When you choose your Home Loan, you’re not just another client – you’re a valued partner in your home ownership journey. We take the time to listen and understand your unique situation, including your financial goals, budgetary constraints, and long-term aspirations. We believe that this personalized approach is key to finding the best possible home loan solution for you.
When you choose your Home Loan, you’re not just another client – you’re a valued partner in your home ownership journey. We take the time to listen and understand your unique situation, including your financial goals, budgetary constraints, and long-term aspirations. We believe that this personalized approach is key to finding the best possible home loan solution for you.
To purchase your first home, you need a deposit which may come from the following:
Ensure you avoid short term debts such as credit cards, hire purchase and overdrafts. If you are over 80% borrower, banks prefer no short-term debts.
Maintain good account conduct avoiding account excess or dishonours. Pay your bills on time. This helps maintain a clear credit file.
Avoid large expenses such as upgrading cars or purchasing expensive furniture
Manage your expenses wisely as banks require you to disclose your living expenses. Regular eat-outs can add up really fast.
Avoid changing jobs unless you are getting a pay rise. Banks don’t like contracts with probation clauses especially for over 80% borrowings.
Try and save on a regular basis. This helps demonstrate your ability and willingness to save.